Automatically Leverage Member-level Decision Barrier Analysis

Medication adherence rates up by 3-5% per measure within 3 months vs. control group.

Identify and Address Member-Specific Barriers to Medication Adherence

Use claims and pharmacy gap data to understand why people are not adhering to medication –
Cost? Side effects? Lack of urgency? Other factors?
Leverage those member-specific insights to lift barriers and inspire action through personally relevant communication across pharmacy Star Rating measures.

Persuading All Members From Day One

Cater to 100% of members, based on individual decision factors, even those with little or no data through HBM’s proprietary lookalike technology.

Support chronically non-adherent members at the same priority level as adherent ones, without bias. HBM AI’s algorithm operates regardless of members’ probability to adhere, in order to better support large scale behavioral change in part D measures.

Prioritize High Cost Resources
The HBM algorithm calculates the ability to impact member decision processes and prioritizes high cost resources such as home visits, call center calls, etc. for those members who are less likely to be persuaded with common methods.
Make Smart Use of Digital Channels
The HBM platform automatically generates communication utilizing your digital channels when targeting members who have a high probability of being persuaded through low cost resources such as email, social media, texts, etc.

HBM Pharmacy Solution Results

Pharmacy teams equipped with the right insights on barriers to member action,
achieve higher engagement more efficiently.

% Difference of Statin Adherent Members vs. Control

Measure Impact at the Member Level

The HBM platform self-service software lets health plans manage results through “test vs. control” groups, granting them real time visibility of individuals’ behavioral change performance.
Member level impact is continuously measured using a dedicated uplift model, then utilized for constant iterative improvement of the member journey, as well as of year-over-year outcomes.